Bring Bali Cafe Decoration to Your Home
If you ever been to Bali, you’ll notice that many cafe / restaurants in Bali have a homey ambiance, a vibe that makes you always wanna come back to Bali. Now you have a chance to bring Bali to your hometown only with a simple click. What make Bali places have a special ambience are […]
Get To Know Seagrass
Welcome to ‘get to know’ session. In this session we’re going to talk about one of our material, seagrass. Does anyone know what seagrass is? One thing for sure is it’s different from seaweed 😉 Seagrass is different kind from seaweed. Seagrass lives under the sea which has shallow depths, In Indonesia, there are more […]
Join The Zero Waste Movement
As we all know that earth condition is getting worse each day, many people have burn in their oil to find a solution how to make this earth a better place to live, and we found out that this zero waste movement can be one solution. Zero Waste is a set of principles focused on […]