Why do some people are prefer to eat out? Some of us think that restaurant’s dishes are way tastier than home cooking while it actually not quite right. I personally think that home cooking dishes are way tastier than restaurant’s food, if we cook our own meal, we can actually adjust the amount of the things inside our dish, like for example I can add extra cheese by myself without paying any extra charges to it, but yes eating out / dine in a restaurant sometimes feels better cause of the ambiance, but you can actually bring restaurant’s vibe to your home. Here are some tips about dining table decoration that you can apply in your home:
Prepare Table Cloth and Table Runner
First step to do in decorating dining table is to put a table cloth and table runner on the table. Table cloth and table runner are both commonly use in a fancy restaurants, preparing both of them can add a plus point to your dining table, it makes them look more expensive and also it can creating a restaurant ambiance to your special dinner.
Table Set Up
Why choose to be boring while we can be extra 😉 Setting up a table is one of the step in decorating dining table and creating a table set up can be fun especially if you’re going to make a set menu, first step to set a table is to put a placemat and coaster, then you need to know which course that you’re going to serve, commonly there will be 3 course (appetizer-main course-dessert) then after you knew how many course that you’ll serve, you need to place the cuttleries, placing cuttleries should be inward, so the first course should be on the outside, while the last course should be on the inside.
Centerpiece to Make It Sweet
After doing table set up, the next step is to place a centerpiece. Centerpiece is a very important thing that you need to do in decorating dining table. Plants are commonly used as a centerpiece either real plant or artificial plant. The step is kinda simple, put the plant in your favorite vase and place it on the middle of the table, not only plant that you can use as a centerpiece, you can also use candle to make your dinner feels more dramatic, the best candle to use are the one that has no smell so it will not ruin your food taste, and our candles are the perfect choice for you cause it has no smell.
Pick A Nice Tableware
One more thing to get a good dinner ambiance is decorating your dining table by picking nice tableware, you can adjust them based on the theme. For example if you’re about to have a fancy dinner, you can choose tableware that have fancy accent like for example brass cuttleries, plates that have gold coloured or white, and if you’re having something more casual, you can choose wooden tablewares or coconut bowl as your option. Always remember that good tableware can also indulge your appetite.
So those are some tips for decorating dining table to get yourself a wonderful dinner without needing to go out.